My memoir has a musical current running through it that begins with the energetic rhythms of the Charleston and ends with a sentimental Van Morrison tune. Blog posts on this page frequently have their beginnings in my musical memories, and many of them are gathered during my aerobic dance class. I’m used to writing with […]
Author: lindasummersea
Publishing News, continued.
Publishing News is continuing to be somewhat grim. After the Booktrope fiasco, it appears that a lot of us have been talking about being more proactive about our futures, and checking around for similar writing on the wall. A. C. Fuller posted a link to the publishing nightmare that writer Claire Cook (author of Must […]
After Booktrope
After the collapse of Booktrope last week, what do we know about the future of alternative publishing methods? If you’re a writer who has been exploring how and where to submit your manuscript, you know that the publishing business has been changing at warp speed in recent years. Traditional publishing? Self-publishing? Book packagers? Team publishers? […]
National Teacher Day
May 3 is National Teacher Day. In Kindergarten, we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. Girls were given the choice of mother, nun, nurse, or teacher—not necessarily in that order. We had to say our choice aloud. I knew that mother—from what I had witnessed thus far—was not a very […]
The Metaphor of Me
Today I listened to an interview in which it was suggested that we look inward for the metaphor of who we are and what we do in the world… what’s going on in our life. My metaphor popped up instantly. I am a conch shell. A conch shell may be empty but it once was […]
Show, Don’t Tell
“Show, Don’t Tell” is the closest thing I know to a writer’s mantra. For every sentence that I write, I’m constantly berating myself—Did I “show”? Or did I “tell”? Did I remain “in scene”? Remaining “in scene” is my nemesis write now. Yes, write now. You read that write. Writing is all I care about, […]
The Scent of Writing
The scent of writing is all around me this morning in the form of a bouquet of lilacs. Yesterday, I placed the Mason jar bouquet on the shelf next to my bed, where I begin my morning reading and writing with my first cups of coffee. The scent of lilacs. How that returns me to […]
Humor in Memoir
On March 8th, I posted on Facebook that I was going to add Humor to my memoir. Humor. What was I thinking? Those who know the story of my challenging childhood were probably taken aback because only one person “liked” it (That was you, Nancy Harris.) and no one commented. With Facebook “likes” being the […]
Norman Rockwell and the Dolls
The Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge had only three cars in the parking lot on this cool wintry-looking April day. I parked, knowing that I’d enjoy the luxury of having the museum almost entirely to myself. I tried to get here on a couple of other days, but made the mistake of beginning to write […]
A spring snowstorm arrived overnight in the Berkshires, triggering more childhood memories. Haven’t lived where snow is a regular event for more than twenty-five years. There was plenty of warning. We all knew the snow was coming. I went to the Stop & Shop yesterday afternoon. Stocked up on groceries for a couple days’ worth […]