Book trailer reveal for my memoir manuscript, THE GIRL WITH THE BLACK AND BLUE DOLL. #amquerying #memoir #comingofage Until my manuscript finds representation and a publishing home, here’s a sample. I hope you enjoy it. Book Trailer by Aleksandar Tomov, Junior. If you’re in the market for a book trailer, I highly recommend Aleksandar. Prompt, […]
Posts in the Publishing category:
To Post or Not to Post
The fact that my blogging has diminished to a trickle hasn’t escaped my notice. The reason that my blogging has diminished to a trickle is not so obvious. I think most writers can understand my dilemma. In the academic world, “publish or perish” is king. Or queen. In the world of an independent writer seeking […]
Make Beautiful Music
Last night I dreamed that I was getting married. My female relatives, young and old, were gathered all around me. It was a consummate summer scene in a fragrant apple orchard with vivid green grass and brilliant blue sky. Instead of a frothy veil, I wore a simple crown of daisies in my hair. This […]
Write from Passion. Write from Pain.
When I began writing my memoir, it was a bonfire burning brightly, my fingertips hot on a keyboard that had never revealed my thoughts or memories. To anyone. I looked down upon my small-child-self from a bird’s eye view, flying low, watching the small child whose introversion was created by responsibilities and fear. The small […]
How to Tell a Damn Good Story
Pat Conroy said, “The most powerful words in English are ‘tell me a story.’” Imagine our ancestors sitting around the glowing embers of a dying fire, the fire reflected in their eyes, their rapt attention inspiring the storyteller to go deeper and deeper still. Storytelling surely has instinct and intensity in primal roots and gut […]
Publishing News, continued.
Publishing News is continuing to be somewhat grim. After the Booktrope fiasco, it appears that a lot of us have been talking about being more proactive about our futures, and checking around for similar writing on the wall. A. C. Fuller posted a link to the publishing nightmare that writer Claire Cook (author of Must […]